About NA Meetings and Groups


General Information on NA Meetings

Our Basic Text, Narcotics Anonymous, provides the best description of who we are and what we do: “NA is a nonprofit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. We are recovering addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay clean.”

  • We are not concerned with types or amounts of drugs used; we focus on the ways addiction and recovery affect our lives.
  • NA meetings are not classes or group therapy sessions. We do not teach lessons or provide counseling. We simply share our personal experiences with addiction and recovery.
  • To respect the anonymity of all of our members, we ask that people who attend our meetings not talk about who our members are or what they share in meetings.

IP #29 (Copyright © 2014 by Narcotics Anonymous World Services, Inc. All rights reserved.)

What are “open” and “closed” meetings?

“Closed” NA meetings are only for addicts or those who think they might have a drug problem. Closed meetings provide an atmosphere in which addicts can feel more certain that those attending will be able to identify with them. Newcomers may feel more comfortable at a closed meeting for the same reason. At the beginning of a closed meeting, the leader or chairperson often reads a statement explaining why the meeting is closed and offering to direct nonaddicts who may be attending to an open meeting.

“Open” NA meetings are just that—open to anyone who wants to attend. Some groups have open meetings once a month to allow non-addict friends and relatives of NA members to celebrate recovery anniversaries with them. Groups that have open meetings may structure their format in such a way that opportunities for participation by nonaddicts are limited only to short birthday or anniversary presentations. Such a format allows the meeting to retain its focus on recovery shared one addict to another. It should be made clear during the meeting that NA groups do not accept monetary contributions from nonaddicts.

For more information see the NA bulletin #15 Open and Closed NA Meetings

What is a “home group”?

In some NA communities, it has become customary for members of the fellowship to make a personal commitment to support one particular group—their “home group.” Though this custom is not universal, many believe its practice can benefit the individual member as well as the group. For the individual member, it can provide a stable recovery base, a place to call “home,” a place to know and be known by other recovering addicts. For the group, it ensures the support of a core of regular, committed members. A strong home group can also foster a spirit of camaraderie among its members that makes the group more attractive to and more supportive of newcomers.

The home group provides many opportunities for us to involve ourselves in the NA Fellowship, making it a great place for us to start giving back what Narcotics Anonymous has so freely given us. In committing to our home group, we make a personal commitment to NA unity. That commitment not only enhances our own recovery; it helps ensure recovery is available for others. Our home group also gives us a place in which to participate in NA’s decision-making processes.

The Group Booklet (Copyright © 1990, 1997 by Narcotics Anonymous World Services, Inc. All rights reserved.)

How do I join a "home group"?

Choosing and supporting a home group is an important part of recovery. A home group is a meeting where you are comfortable and one you will attend regularly. We call this our home group because it suggests a place where we fit in and belong. Having a home group allows us to have an anchor each week where we can get to know the people and they can really get to know us. We develop a bond with each other as we grow together.

To join a home group please attend the monthly business meeting.

Meeting Location
Rise to Recovery
The fourth Saturday of the month at 7:40am
Zoom ID: 993-627-1953
No password
Upward Bound
The second Sunday of the month at 12:00pm
Zoom ID: 473-226-1805
Password: 000000
We Came To Believe
The third Wednesday of the month at 6pm
Zoom ID: 538-507-807
Password: 757247
Free at Last
The third Thursday of the month at 6pm
Christ The King Lutheran Church 325 SW 6th Ave. Milton-Freewater, OR 97862
Keep It Simple
Zoom ID: 914-768-3333
Password: 680689
Women Of Worth
The first Friday of the month at 5:30pm
Zoom ID: 117-713-921
Password: worth
SonBridge 1200 SE 12th Avenue, College Place, WA 99324
Friday Night NA
The third Friday of the month at 7:15pm
Zoom ID: 538-507-807
Password: 680689
Saturday Night Live
SonBridge 1200 SE 12th Avenue, College Place, WA 99324