Welcome to the
Blue Mountain Area of NA

Narcotics Anonymous is a non-profit fellowship of people who suffer from the disease of addiction. We meet on a regular basis to help each other stay clean and share our experience, strength, and hope. If you think you might have a drug problem, please call our Helpline at 509-204-1501, or come to one of our virtual, hybrid or in-person meetings. We can only help those who are willing to help themselves.

If you are a professional seeking more information, please visit the NA World Services Resources for Professionals web page.

All Area Service meetings are Hybrid on 3rd Saturday at 3:00PM:

Zoom ID: 993-627-1953
Password: no password

If you have any questions or updated information, please email webservant1@bluemtnarea-na.org

Upcoming Events

If you would like to receive NAWS Update emails like this one in your inbox, please subscribe to any of the email lists at www.na.org/subscribe

At the end of the month, the membership survey closes for years. Please take a minute to fill it out, and tell your friends in meetings, on social media, at your service committee. Responses have been a little slower than we expected, and a last-minute flurry of responses would really help. Your input is vital in helping to show who NA is and that IT WORKS.


Turns out a thousand was too many, after all!
Our WCNA merchandise store is back online with deep discounts on remaining WCNA merch including shirts, mugs, and more! Everything is at least half off.
Great opportunity for gifts, auctions, NA fundraisers, and more.
Check out the NEW LOW PRICES at wcnashop.com (not the same as the regular store!)
Yours in service,
World Board

Looking for Pendleton, Baker City, or La Grande meetings?

You can find these meetings on NE Oregon Area NA’s website here:

Looking for Pasco, Kennewick or Richland meetings?

You can find these meetings on 3-Cities Area of NA’s website here: